NC State Dining Makes the Switch to Gluten Free Tamari Soy Sauce
The change makes hundreds of recipes safe for students avoiding gluten
Over 700 students at NC State’s campus have food allergies and intolerances,
and that number is steadily increasing. Many recipes across campus in both
dining hall and retail settings can be made “gluten friendly” with the removal of
one simple ingredient: soy sauce. To alleviate the added stress of students
having to avoid countless vegetable and protein dishes due to a sensitivity to
gluten, NC State Dining has officially removed all regular soy sauce from recipes
across campus. While our favorite Asian condiment can still be found in
individualized packets and at condiment stations, large batch recipes will now
feature only gluten free Tamari.
While the change in taste is virtually unnoticeable, the effects are felt all
throughout campus as dozens of students are able to try recipes that would
otherwise cause a reaction. This substitution is one of many in the coming
months to ensure students with all dietary restrictions can feel included and
accommodated during their time here at NC State.