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Dining Hall Takeout

Dining Hall Takeout

Students on the go can use our Dining Hall takeout program to get a full meal from select dining halls or One Earth in Talley Student Union.

Flex Plan: once per day at a dining hall or One Earth.

Block Plan: one block meal at a dining hall or One Earth.

All other forms of payment:

Meal Period Credit Card Dining Dollars/All Campus Payroll Deduction
Breakfast $9.50 $9.00 $8.55
Lunch/Brunch $12.25 $11.75 $11.03
Dinner $13* $12.50* $11.70*

* Not available at Case Dining Hall for dinner.

When using Takeout at a Dining Hall

  1. Tell the cashier you want a Dining Hall Takeout Meal before you pay.
  2. Purchase the container for a $3.50 one-time fee.
  3. Enter the serving area.
  4. Fill your container, ensuring the lid can close. You can also take one piece of fruit.
  5. Grab a cup to fill your drink and some cutlery to go. You’re all set!
  6. Bring it back. Rinse and exchange your container the next time you come to the dining hall. You’ll receive a clean container or token for your next Dining Hall Takeout purchase.

When Dining at One Earth

Pay at the counter and receive a compostable container and a cup for a beverage of your choice. Dispose of your container in the compostable bin when finished.


The Finer Points

  • The Dining Hall Takeout program is available for all guests, including students, faculty, staff and non-meal plan holders.
  • Guests must request takeout before their card is swiped. They are not allowed to utilize takeout and consume a meal inside the dining hall on the same card swipe or payment.
  • Guests may fill the container with the menu items of their choice, but the lid must be able to close. At the Dining Halls, a piece of fruit can be carried out in addition to their container.
  • Dining Hall Takeout is not available at University Towers Dining Hall or during dining hall special events or theme meals.